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送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2024-02-18 17:15 已读 12982 次 9 赞  


出去一次旅游,我总会照主题整视频,因为拍的多,只有整理成集好像才算完成了游记。Morton Arboretum 拍了很多,但只出了一集大蓝鹭。其实这个视频3分多钟处有很金贵的catch,再放这里一下。 6park.com


当一路开去Morton Arboretum踏秋时,这一路的球形、圆柱形、圆锥形的东西是什么,上面一般还有地名。这原来是每个区域的水塔,供这一地区的用水。你有没有好奇过。拍的有些糊。快速拍还是不太过硬。 6park.com







我网上查到的信息如下: 6park.com

A water tower is a large, elevated tank of water that pressurizes water for distribution to all of the houses and businesses in the area of the tower. They are typically located on high ground and are large enough to hold about a day’s worth of water for the community served by the tower 6park.com

Water towers work by maintaining the right water pressure in the distribution system. The water level in the tower rises and falls depending on the demand and supply of water. When the demand is high, the water level drops and the pressure decreases. When the demand is low, the water level rises and the pressure increases. The water tower also acts as a reservoir to store water in case of emergencies or power outages23 6park.com

Water towers come in various shapes and sizes, such as spherical, cylindrical, conical, or even artistic. Some water towers are also landmarks or historical sites, such as the Brooklyn Water Tower or the Leaning Tower of Niles. 6park.com

水塔是一个大型的高架水箱,对水进行加压,将水分配给塔区域内的所有房屋和企业。 它们通常位于高地,足够大,可以为塔所服务的社区容纳大约一天的水 6park.com

水塔的工作原理是维持分配系统中正确的水压。 塔内的水位根据水的需求和供应而上升和下降。 当需求高时,水位下降,压力减小。 当需求较低时,水位上升,压力增大。 水塔还可以充当水库,在紧急情况或停电时储存水 6park.com

水塔有各种形状和大小,如球形、圆柱形、圆锥形,甚至是艺术形的。 有些水塔也是地标或历史遗迹,例如布鲁克林水塔或奈尔斯斜塔。

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