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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-02-24 12:42 已读 7617 次 5 赞  


Here’s a song I translated from “幸福万年长” into English. This is a reasonably recent song, written in the early 2000’s. The translated song was sung by an artificial voice. I am sure human voice plus instruments will produce a much better result. Here’s the complete translation

A slender oar in hand, I row To the market, a boat of blossoms glows

Rowing, rowing in a rhythm slow

Across the waters, fresh flower scents flow

This slender oar in hand, I glide

Flowers sold, new clothes fill me with delight

Rowing, rowing my spirit soars high

In those new clothes, a joyful stride

Ai hey ya, waters dance, waves chase fore and aft

Ai hey ya, in our hearts, joy flows deep and vast

With this oar, through currents, I guide,

My love casts nets where fortunes hide,

Rowing, rowing with each turning tide

Our boat laden with fish, our efforts thrive

With oars in hand, together we sway

My love beside, we watch as the day fades

Sunset paints waters in vibrant display

Our love, like the river, finds its way

Ai hey ya, waters dance, waves chase fore and aft

Ai hey ya, in our hearts, joy flows deep and vast

Ai hey ya, waters dance, waves chase fore and aft

Ai hey ya, in our hearts, joy flows deep and vast

Ai~~~ ai ya Ai~~~ ai ya Ai~~~ ai ya Ai~~~ ai ya

贴主:佛祖心中L于2024_02_24 12:49:22编辑
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