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送交者: 牟山雁[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-02-20 17:37 已读 3354 次 4 赞  


“流水何太急,深宮盡日閑。殷勤謝紅葉,好去到人間。” 6park.com

Why does the water flow so fast? 6park.com

In the deep palace I am leisurely all day long. 6park.com

Ardently I bid farewell to this red leaf, 6park.com

and wish you safe arrival to the human world. 6park.com


“獨步天溝岸,臨流得葉時。此情誰會得? 腸斷一聯詩。" 6park.com

Walking alone on the bank of the Royal Canal, 6park.com

It was then I approached the flowing water and acquired the leaf. 6park.com

Such a feeling, who could understand? 6park.com

Simply a poetic couplet that broke my heart! 6park.com


“一聯佳句題流水,十載幽思滿素懷。 6park.com

今日卻成鸞鳳友,方知紅葉是良媒。” 6park.com

A good couplet was written for [dropping into] the flowing water, 6park.com

Ten years’secret feeling satisfied my long-cherished wish. 6park.com

Today we have become husband and wife, 6park.com

Thus I know the red leaf was a good matchmaker.

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